
Dr Jacqui Coombes’ Presentation at 2023 AMPAA Symposium

The recent 2023 AMPAA Symposium was a resounding success. One of the speakers at the symposium was Dr Jacqui Coombes, Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer of Amira Global.

Among others, she discussed the importance of mining in Africa, and how the industry can be used for the benefit of all.Dr Coombes raised issues concerning Africa’s youth population which she says is booming, with 60% of the continent’s people under the age of 30.

Other points raised in her presentation include:

  • Huge opportunity for the mining industry, which can tap into this young and growing workforce.
  • Challenges to overcome, such as the lack of skills and infrastructure in many African countries.
  • How Amira Global is working to address challenges by supporting research and development in the mining sector in Africa.
  • The Pan-African Decarbonization Institute as a new project aiming to accelerate the development of clean energy technologies in Africa.

Other points in the presentation include:

  • The mining industry’s role as a major employer in Africa, providing jobs for millions of people.
  • The contribution of the industry in supporting government revenue and economic growth.

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