
AMPAA’s Quarter Way through 2023

AMPAA President, Ben Osei Akoto shares some updates about outlook of the association at the end of its first quarter for year 2023.

A silhouette of a member of AMPAA making a presentation

As we bring Q1 2023 to an end, I thought I’d share with you what has been happening in the association, the good work the different committees have done and working on in the background and to highlight some of the great things that have been achieved since the start of the year.

We started the year enthusiastically with an online Tech Talk in February which was presented by two (2) external speakers and the topics presented covered emerging issues/trends around us; future of mining – automation and digitisation and the impact of recent interest rate hikes on the property market. The information presented will soon be available on the AMPAA website for you to access. We also launched a quarterly member series in January where we featured a member of the association to showcase their skills and expertise. I would like to thank Wamunyima for being brave to be the first cab off the rank for this initiative. The intent of this is to encourage members to liaise with and connect with each other on particular technical areas of interest.

The Executive Committee have been busy working in the background to develop strategies/plans to provide the road map in helping us achieve our strategic priorities of revamping engagement with our membership base, increasing collaboration with our key stakeholders and encouraging professional development of our members.

In the membership engagement space, we have been busy working on the AMPAA website to improve its functionality and serve as a hub for resources, information, and networking opportunities that can help members succeed in their careers and advance their professions. We want to get to a position where the website offers:

  • resources and information to help members stay up-to-date on industry news, best practices, and emerging trends, job listings, career resources, and
  • mentorship opportunities, which can help members advance their careers and achieve their professional goals and a platform to connect with colleagues and industry leaders, allowing members to build relationships and expand their professional networks.

In our bid to improve member experience, we are in the process of rolling out a membership survey in the next couple of weeks to better understand your needs to help the association to improve its services and programs and deliver value to you. The survey results will help us to shape our priorities in terms of preferences for events or resources, professional development goals and challenges you may be facing. We will also use the results to inform our decisions about where to focus our efforts and resources. The association values your opinions and is committed to meeting your needs so I encourage each member of the association to complete the survey to assist us improve member engagement and satisfaction.

One of the areas the survey will cover is the welfare policy. The past executive committee did a great job in developing the policy and we would like to hear your opinions on a path forward. I have attached the policy to this email for your review in preparation for the membership survey.

“All hands on deck,” says AMPAA President, Ben Osei Akoto

On the stakeholder engagement front, we have been busy establishing who our key external stakeholders are and developing strategies to introduce the work of the association to them. The key focus areas in this space are for AMPAA to increase its visibility and raise awareness about its mission and activities and forming strategic partnerships to provide mutual benefits for both parties, such as access to vacation work for our student members, career development training for members, or sharing of resources such as expertise/knowledge. I hope to share with you some exciting news in this space in the coming quarters.

The organising committee have a well thought out program line up for the next quarter starting with a boat cruise next week, 8th of April. I encourage you to register if you haven’t yet registered and join us to connect with each other in a more informal setting. Good opportunity to build new relationships and expand your professional networks.

Lastly, I would like to end with a call to have all hands on deck. As we continue to face new challenges and opportunities in our careers, it is more important than ever to come together as a community and support each other. That is why I am calling on all members of AMPAA to jump on board and get involved. Our association is a place where we can share our knowledge, learn from each other, and grow as professionals. By getting involved, you can make a difference in the direction of our association and our industry as a whole.

There are many ways you can jump on board and get involved. You can attend our events and meetings and participate in our committees. You can share your expertise by presenting at our events or contributing to our publications. You can also connect with other members through our networking opportunities and social activities. By getting involved, you will not only have the opportunity to contribute to our association’s success, but you will also benefit from the many resources and opportunities available to our members. You will gain new knowledge, expand your professional network, and enhance your career prospects.

So, I urge you to jump on board and get involved today. Let’s work together to make a difference in our association and our industry.

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