
AMPAA Invites Members to 2023 End of Year Dinner

The African Mining Professionals Association of Australia invites members to experience the association’s end of year dinner. The arrangement for the event which takes place in South Perth is now underway.

“As we wrap up 2023, it is vital that we take time off our busy schedules relax and share a friendly atmosphere with fellow professionals, their friends and families. There is a lot we can celebrate and reflect on together, as we prepare to welcome a new year,” says Benjamin Osei Akoto, President of AMPAA.

Members of AMPAA are being encouraged to bring along their family and friends for a special night of music, dance, and conversations along with delectable African cuisine.

All contributions and Payment details are coming through to AMPAA Bank details:

BSB: 036011

Acc: 548543

Description: Dinner

Reference : (please provide full name)

Saturday, 16th December 2023 is the chose date and the venue is John McGrath Pavilion, 97 Hensman Street, South Perth.

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